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Anti -Wrinkle Botox

Anti-wrinkle treatment (BOTOX)


Our facial appearance is partly genetically predetermined due to our unique collagen and elastin production, but is also influenced by our exposure to sunlight, pollution, and affected by things such as smoking and a poor diet. The muscles in our face determine our facial expressions, as we age this can create wrinkles in the skin, combined with the loss of fatty tissue (facial fat pads) in the face this can lead to the signs of aging.


What is BOTOX?


Botulinum toxin is produced by clostridium botulinum bacteria and acts by interrupting nerve signals to the muscle which will temporarily block muscle movement. The effect of BOTOX may last 3 months or more. It wasn’t until 2002 that the FDA approved Botox for the treatment of frown lines. Cosmetic indications of BOTOX that are currently licensed include treatment of the forehead horizontal lines, glabella (frown lines) the lateral canthus (crow’s feet) and for excessive sweating. Other indications include chronic headache and migraine, facial spasm and teeth grinding. Botox is a prescription medicine and this will be prescribed for you during your consultation. 


Is there a reason why I shouldn’t have Botox? 


There may be. You should not have Botox injections if you are allergic to Botox or any of its excipients or if you have myasthenia gravis, Eaton-Lambert syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. It may also not be possible to have Botox if you have a history of Bell’s palsy, bleeding disorders, or taking NSAIDs, aspirin, vitamin A, St John’s wort, ginkgo biloba or taking any aminoglycoside antibiotics. Speak to your therapist regarding any issues you may have. 


You should also not have Botox treatment if you have active Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease (thyroid problems) rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, scleroderma, vasculitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, vitiligo or psoriasis.


What areas can be treated?


The most common areas treated with BOTOX are the upper face – forehead and frown lines above the eyes (glabella) as well as the lines to the sides of the eye known as the crow’s feet. Other areas can be treated such as Marionette lines, smoker’s lines around the lips or the armpits to control excessive sweating. You can discuss the areas you want treated in your consultation. 


Is the treatment painful?


You will be having multiple injections into the skin on the face so he may feel some discomfort. The needles used during the process are very small and fine and it should be no different to receiving facial acupuncture. If you are concerned about any discomfort we can apply a local anaesthetic cream or simply treat the area with ice to numb the skin prior to injection. 


Are there any side-effects?


It’s important to note that the vast majority of treatments go well with only minor discomfort. Common side-effects include redness, bruising and mild swelling. You may also have a slight headache after the treatment and there may be some asymmetry to the face after the treatment. It can take up to 2 weeks for the treatment to take effect. Sometimes you can have a Spock brow. 


Less common side effects include brow ptosis and eyelid ptosis. Rare side-effects include blurred or double vision, infection and any allergic reaction. You will be monitored after the appointment to make sure there is no allergic reaction and we have adrenaline and other life-saving equipment on site.


What happens next?


You should aim to keep the treated muscles active for a few hours after your treatment by smiling and frowning and avoid extremes of hot or cold (including sauna), excessive sunlight exposure, vigorous exercise, lying down or leaning over for 4-6 hours.


You should start to see the effect of treatment within 2 or 3 days, for some people this takes longer. The full result may be judged at 2-3 weeks. You will have a follow up consultation 2 weeks after your treatment to discuss and resolve any issues that may have arisen so that you are happy with your treatment effect.


Will I need ongoing treatment?


Nobody needs ongoing treatment; however, the treatment effect will wear off over 3-6 months and the facial muscles will start to move again. If you were happy with the effects of your previous treatment and you can move the muscles of the face again you will need a further treatment at this point.

Dermal Fillers including lip fillers

Dermal fillers consist of hyaluronic acid which is a glycosaminoglycan with exceptional water binding capacity (approximately 1000 times as dry weight). Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the body and is found in the joints and skin. In the skin it helps to restore and volumise facial contours for a more youthful looking appearance.


Is there a reason why I shouldn’t have dermal fillers? 


There may be. You should not have dermal filler if you are pregnancy and breastfeeding or have an allergy to hyaluronic acid or local anaesthetic (lidocaine), have any active infections and inflammation in the proposed treatment area, herpes in the area, solid granulomas in the area, or are having any cancer treatment. Other reasons not to have dermal fillers include porphyria, untreated epilepsy, tendency towards keloid or hypertrophic scars, taking any vitamin K anticoagulants, or if you suffer from any autoimmune disease such as active Hashimoto or Graves’ disease (thyroid diseases) rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, scleroderma, vasculitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, vitiligo or psoriasis.


What areas can be treated?


The lower face tends to be treated with filler such as the cheeks, jawline, chin and lips to create volume for the loss of facial fat pads or volumise the lips. 


Is the treatment painful?


You will be having multiple injections into the skin on the face so he may feel some discomfort. The needles used during the process are very small and fine and it should be no different to receiving facial acupuncture. Many of the products used come with local anaesthetic to reduce any discomfort.  If you are concerned about any discomfort we can apply a local anaesthetic cream or simply treat the area with ice to numb the skin prior to injection. 


Are there any side-effects?


It’s important to note that the vast majority of treatments go well with only minor discomfort. Common side-effects include redness, bruising and mild swelling and should resolve spontaneously within a few days of treatment. Unfortunately, uncommon side effects do happen and they include infection and inflammation, skin discoloration, abscess formation, plumps, nodules or papules, acne like formations, or a granuloma presenting as lumps or nodules. The blood supply to the skin may be interrupted by swelling or inadvertent injection into a vessel, causing pain, skin damage and possible scarring. You will be monitored after the appointment to make sure there is no allergic reaction and we have adrenaline and other life-saving equipment on site.


What happens next?


You should be able to continue with your normal activities immediately after treatment (if you are also having BOTOX read the separate BOTOX aftercare information). Some people will have some redness, pin prick marks and swelling (particularly in the lips). Make-up should not be worn for 12 hours.


You are advised to avoid alcohol, vigorous exercise, sunbathing, and extremes of heat or cold for 14 days post treatment. These activities have been found to increase and prolong swelling.


If you also had BOTOX you should start to see the effect of treatment within 2 or 3 days, for some people this takes longer. The full result may be judged at 2-3 weeks. You will have a follow up consultation 2 weeks after your treatment to discuss and resolve any issues that may have arisen so that you are happy with your treatment effect.


Will I need ongoing treatment?


Nobody needs ongoing treatment; however, the treatment effect of fillers will wear off over 6-12 months. If you were happy with the effects of your previous treatment and you have lost the volume in your face again you will need a further treatment at this point.

Cosmetic Acupunture 

What is cosmetic acupuncture?


Cosmetic acupuncture uses Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory and techniques to enhance wellbeing and lifestyle in order to promote and maintain a reduction in the signs of aging. 


It is a medical acupuncture treatment using acupuncture points on the body, in the ears and on the face to have a beneficial effect on the skin and complexion of the face. 


Facial acupuncture creates micro-punctures to the skin surface. As a consequence, the repair process releases numerous growth and healing factors that stimulate new collagen to be deposited under the surface of the skin. It also stimulates and enhances blood and lymph flow in the face, both of which can reduce the appearance of bags, lines and wrinkles.


Is my acupuncturist qualified and insured?


Yes, it is best practiced by a suitably qualified and insured acupuncture professional. Steve has practiced acupuncture for 10 years, is a member of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) and trained in cosmetic acupuncture by The College of Chinese Medicine. 


What results can I expect from my cosmetic acupuncture sessions?


A reduction in the depth and appearance of wrinkles 

A reduction of puffiness and bloating on the face and around the eyes 

Increased lift and tone in sagging muscles and skin 

Improved complexion

Fresher looking skin

Improved skin elasticity and skin tone

More hydrated skin

Improved general facial colour 

Tightened pores

Improvement in acne scarring and other scar tissue

Decreased skin discolouration


What are the benefits of cosmetic acupuncture?


From a TCM point of view, the underlying objective of this treatment is designed to improve the function of organs and balance their relationship with each other in order to improve circulation of blood and body fluids, absorption of nutrients and excretions of waste thereby positively influencing general health. 


A lifting effect is created within the body with a focus on the face. The use of specialist needles and techniques accentuates these results and also reduces bruising risks and discomfort. 


How many sessions will I need?


A course of 6 sessions is recommended to see an effect of the acupuncture, although some people do notice an immediate difference in the freshness and tone of their skin. After the initial 6 sessions monthly maintenance sessions are recommended for optimal and lasting effects. 


Am I suitable for cosmetic acupuncture? 


Facial revitalisation acupuncture is not suitable if you:


Have pituitary disorders such as a pituitary tumour

Are diabetic

Have a heart disorder including poorly controlled high blood pressure

Have a problem with bleeding, such as haemophilia

Are extraordinarily prone to bruising

Are diagnosed as being HIV positive or having developed AIDS

Have previously had hepatitis

Have of an acute herpes outbreak

Are pregnant


It should be avoided in people who suffer with migraines, however other body and facial acupuncture points can help migraines.


How long do the effects last?


The number and frequency of treatments will affect the results. Everyone is different and will respond differently to facial acupuncture. These treatments are not a quick-fix to wrinkles and facial scarring and will require a certain number of treatments before an effect is seen. However, after the initial acupuncture sessions the effects can last from a few weeks to a couple of months. For best results regular visits are recommended.


The effects of your cosmetic acupuncture will also be affected by 


Daily routine/hobbies 

Co-operation with self massage, diet changes 

Having regular facials (beneficial effects)

Stress levels 



Can I have facial acupuncture if I have botox?


Yes, it’s best to leave having facial acupuncture for 2 weeks after your most recent botox injections. Acupuncture may slightly speed up the metabolism of the botox thus you must let your facial acupuncturist know and they can avoid the areas where you have had botox.


What are the risks of acupuncture?


Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into the skin and muscles of the body. Therefore there is a certain low level of pain that can be experienced. Sometimes the needle insertion is not felt at all and at some points you will feel a sharp scratch. If a needle insertion is too sore just ask for it to be removed. 


Once the needles are in they are usually painless, although it’s not unusual for the area to feel hot due to increased blood flow into the area. The main risk of facial acupuncture is that it can cause slight bruising, however this is rare and care is taken to avoid capillaries on the face. It is best not to have the procedure done within 10 days of a special event in case there is slight bruising.


At what age should I start getting facial acupuncture?


Facial acupuncture is suitable for anyone over 18. It can help people with acne scarring and other skin problems and can also be used for nourishing and hydrating the skin. It is also suitable when you feel that you are unhappy with the lines and wrinkles on your face and this is obviously a personal decision. 


How do I book my cosmetic acupuncture session?


Book your appointment online or call 0203 322 9455.


What do I need to do prior to having my cosmetic acupuncture?


Remove make up and cleanse your face prior to your appointment. For optimum results you can combine your cosmetic acupuncture with a facial treatment afterwards.

Wandsworth Aesthetics

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